Statistics show that of the new people you encounter, a third of them will notice the condition of your ivories before anything else. That means your stained or discolored teeth could cause a poor first impression, which can be especially detrimental when you have a big upcoming job interview or a first date. At Dentistry at Hickory Flat, we have an excellent solution: take-home teeth whitening. Read on to learn how the process works. Then, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation so you can get on the road to a gorgeous new smile!
Opalescence take-home whitening is a high-powered option that utilizes professional-strength bleaches to lift stubborn stains that have become embedded in the enamel, which is the hard, outer surface of your teeth. Your cosmetic dentist will create a custom treatment plan to fit your smile needs, which includes a set of custom trays that you’ll wear according to the specific instructions provided. As a result, you’ll enjoy a safe and effective process.
This convenient treatment option simply requires you to wear the custom trays and whiteners for a minimum of 15 minutes per day. Then, in around two weeks, you’ll see noticeable results, as you gain a radiant and beautiful new smile!
One of the reasons that the Opalescence take-home whitening method is so effective is that you’ll receive trays that are custom-designed to fit your teeth. That means you’ll have complete and consistent coverage with every treatment, which translates into faster and more noticeable results.
Part of the process of protecting your new smile is to be aware of what leads to stains and discoloration. After your teeth are whitened, we recommend you limit your consumption of dark berries, turmeric, soy sauce, wine, coffee, tea, and that you avoid chewing or smoking tobacco. For starters, the toxins released when you consume any type of tobacco product can cause the development of tooth discoloration and decay that could permanently ruin your teeth.
If you choose to indulge in any of the above listed, though, be sure to have a toothbrush and floss handy to prevent any leftover particles from staining your enamel and compromising the appearance of your brand-new smile.
If you still have questions about take-home teeth whitening, then feel free to reach out to us at Dentistry at Hickory Flat to schedule a consultation. Your cosmetic dentist will carefully assess your smile and devise the perfect strategy to revamp your appearance!