Missing teeth can threaten much more than just your oral health – it can harm your sense of self-confidence, your overall wellbeing, and your quality of life as well over time! For instance, these consequences are likely to occur:
At Dentistry at Hickory Flat, our dentists offer several high-quality solutions that can replace teeth, including custom-made dentures. Our practice offers partial prosthetics, full models, and even implant-retained versions for patients who are seeking added permanency in their new and improved smile. Please contact us today here in Canton to learn more about our denture options and which one best fits your unique needs and preferences.
Whether you’re missing just a few or all your natural teeth, nearly anyone is a good candidate for dentures. First, you’ll need a consultation with your Dentistry at Hickory Flat dental team to determine your eligibility. If you are not deemed a good fit for dentures just yet, it is often still possible to become one by restoring the health of your gum tissue and bone structure. Your dentist can provide you with a treatment plan for this if appropriate.
There are many reasons why you might be missing your permanent teeth. Maybe you had an accident, excessive tooth decay, gum disease, or tooth wear. Regardless of the reason, missing teeth can have the same negative effects on your oral, physical, and mental health, including facial sagging, difficulty speaking and eating, malnutrition, and lower self-esteem.
Dentures are a wonderful option for patients who have experienced significant tooth loss, have sensitive teeth, or excessive decay, but also have healthy gum tissue and jawbone density. To receive dentures, you should also be willing to commit to your oral health and hygiene, and properly care for your dentures.
The total number of teeth you’re missing will ultimately determine the type of denture your dentist recommends for you, as there are several options available including:
Dentures are typically a more affordable tooth replacement option in comparison to other methods, making them a great option for patients on a tight budget.
If it is determined that you are not a good candidate for dentures, there are still other options your dentist may find suitable for your situation. Dental bridges are often excellent solutions for restoring the appearance and function of your smile.
Since no two smiles are the same, no two treatments should be the same! We’re proud to offer our patients struggling with tooth loss several options, including:
Partial dentures are ideal for patients who want to replace certain teeth along an arch of their smile while maintaining natural ones. They consist of natural-looking prosthetic teeth and gum-colored acrylic that is anchored to a lightweight metallic frame. They also have clasps, which are used to strategically attach the partial to the teeth in a comfortable and functional fashion. Newer technology allows us to make partial dentures without metals at all in certain situations. The partial dentures should be rinsed after every meal and regularly brushed with denture paste that’s been approved by the ADA for optimal results.
There are three major types of full dentures:
Dentures are custom-made to fit your unique facial structure and restore your smile. Their ability to mimic natural teeth makes them one of the most popular tooth replacement options available. While you may have a general idea of what dentures are, understanding the materials used and the step-by-step process involved in their creation can help you appreciate your new smile even more. Continue reading to learn more!
Dentures consist of two primary components: the base and the artificial teeth. Each plays a crucial role in providing a natural look and comfortable fit. Here’s what that looks like:
Because dentures are custom-made, the process involves multiple steps to ensure a precise fit and natural look. Here’s what you can expect:
It’s normal to experience some discomfort when you first start wearing dentures. Your mouth needs time to adjust, but this discomfort should subside as your muscles adapt to the new appliance. During this period, eating softer foods and practicing facial exercises can help ease the transition. If you experience persistent discomfort, contact our team for assistance. With time, your dentures will feel more natural, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence!
For decades, dentures have been a tried-and-true tooth-replacement solution – there’s a reason! In addition to effectively replacing several teeth or an entire arch, these restorations are:
Once patients receive their new, one-of-a-kind denture from our Canton office, they can expect to experience an adjustment period. Their facial muscles will need to get used to eating, speaking, and performing other important oral functions with the new appliance. As a result, you may experience some minor discomfort and sore spots within the mouth. If you ever find yourself experiencing significant pain, let our dentists know right away so that we can adjust your prosthetic for a more optimal fit.
It’s important to practice consistent oral hygiene even with a denture. This means that you should rinse the appliance after every meal and brush it thoroughly with a quality denture paste. Also, make sure that you’re still brushing your gum tissue, your cheeks, and your tongue in order to get rid of decay-causing plaque. As long as you care for your denture and the rest of your mouth properly, you should expect to enjoy it for a decade or even longer! Please don’t hesitate to contact us today if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Brian, Dr. Katherine, and the rest of our talented team.
If you’ve ever lived with missing teeth, you’re all too familiar with plenty of challenges and frustrations. Eating and speaking clearly can become difficult, and you may not wish to show your smile. Dentures can fix many of these problems and give you back your confidence. That alone makes the cost well worth it! Below is information you should know prior to getting dentures so that you can make the best decision for you and your smile.
No two dentures are exactly the same, making the cost vary from patient to patient. The number and location of your missing teeth definitely influence the overall cost, and if you require preliminary work, such as tooth extraction, then the total cost for treatment will increase. Once we get a chance to examine your mouth and put together a plan designed just for you, we can give you a better idea of what your costs will be.
Generally, yes, implant dentures are more expensive because in addition to the dentures themselves, you’re also getting stable anchors to hold the dentures in place. Most find the extra investment upfront can actually save them money in the long run. Although implants are not typically covered by insurance and therefore cost more at the beginning, our team at Dentistry at Hickory Flat can perform both the placement and restoration of your implant dentures in one convenient location. We also currently have a special offer for dental implants for a limited time!
Although plans may vary, most dental insurance benefits partially cover the cost of dentures in Canton. In fact, coverage may be around 50 percent, depending on your specific plan. The good news is that you don’t have to do anything; our team can handle dental insurance claims for you. When we create your custom treatment plan, we can closely look at your benefits for ways to reduce your out-of-pocket costs.
Even with dental insurance, you may find that paying for your tooth replacements upfront puts too much strain on your budget. But you have other options! We work with CareCredit, a trusted financier that specifically helps with medical and dental expenses. Once you decide to move forward with dentures, we can help you apply for financing at an affordable interest rate. If you qualify, you may even have 0 percent interest and still break up the cost into smaller monthly payments.
Dentures offer numerous merits, transforming lives and restoring smiles. This exciting journey, however, can raise many questions for patients. In this section, we aim to provide answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive regarding dentures. Whether you're exploring denture options or already have them, our goal is to provide valuable information to enhance your understanding and confidence in your dental health.
It's generally recommended by dentists that you should not sleep with your dentures in. When you first receive your dentures, you may be advised to wear them continuously, including during sleep, for the first 24 hours. However, after this initial period, it's essential to take them out every evening.
Wearing dentures continuously can hinder gum circulation, leading to soft tissue irritation and potentially accelerating ridge resorption. Removing your dentures overnight allows your gums to recover and receive essential nutrients.
Furthermore, the space beneath dentures can become a breeding ground for bacteria, making it a higher risk for conditions like pneumonia. Prolonged denture wear is also associated with poor oral hygiene and increased plaque buildup on the gums and tongue. To maintain optimal oral health, it's best to follow your dentist's advice and remove your dentures while sleeping.
Speaking with dentures can be challenging initially. When you first get dentures, it takes time to adjust because you're accustomed to speaking with your natural teeth. The adjustment period varies from person to person, but talking with definitely get easier with time. At first, you may experience lisping due to palate changes; reading aloud and practicing tricky words can help. Speak slowly to avoid muffled speech. If dentures shift, bite down and swallow before talking to position them properly. Denture adhesive provides stability during the adjustment phase, aiding in smoother speech. With patience and practice, talking with dentures becomes easier over time.
When wearing dentures, it's best to avoid sticky foods like peanut butter and gummy candies, as they can dislodge dentures and trap food particles underneath, irritating the gums. Foods with small, hard pieces like popcorn kernels, shelled nuts, and sesame seeds can also get stuck and potentially damage dentures. Hard foods such as nuts, popcorn, apples, carrot sticks, and corn on the cob should be limited or avoided to prevent damage or displacement of dentures. Tough meats like steak and pork chops require excessive chewing, placing stress on both dentures and gums, so they are best consumed with caution.
Losing teeth can cause facial muscles to sag, resulting in a sunken appearance. Dentures can positively impact your face by providing support to these collapsed muscles, enhancing your appearance. However, ill-fitting dentures can fail to support facial muscles adequately. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure a precise fit for each restoration. Regular adjustments or replacements are necessary if you notice discomfort or an improper fit to maintain the desired facial shape. Properly fitted dentures can help restore and maintain a more youthful facial contour.