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Tooth Extractions – Canon, GA

Remove the Tooth, Restore Your Smile

happy couple with dental implants in Canton standing in their front yard

While the Dentistry at Hickory Flat team will do everything in their power to help patients avoid needing an extraction, there are several reasons why this procedure might become necessary over time, including traumatic injuries, advanced tooth decay, gum disease, and more. Dr. Brian Lee and Dr. Katherine Lee’s main priority is to always do what’s best for the patient’s overall wellness, and we will guide you through this procedure in a safe and comfortable manner. Please contact us today if you’re ready to schedule an appointment here in Canton.

Why Choose Dentistry at Hickory Flat for Tooth Extractions

Closeup of man with toothache at home

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

In general, extractions are reserved for situations where a tooth is too damaged to be saved and/or poses a threat to your oral health if it’s left in. This is often the case for tooth decay that’s been allowed to progress too far or gum disease that’s reached its most advanced stages; occasionally, physical trauma (such as getting hit in the face) might also result in the need for a removal. In many cases, wisdom teeth that have become impacted need to be removed so that they don’t damage other healthy teeth.

Dental tool holding prop tooth in desk with mask

The Process of Removing a Tooth

The treatment process looks a bit different depending on whether or not the tooth has broken through the gumline. If it hasn’t, then our talented dentist will thoroughly numb your mouth before creating a small incision in your gums. Then, they will remove the tooth and care for the extraction site. If it has, then they will intervene with a simple extraction, which is when the tooth is gently rocked loose with special tools (after numbing the area thoroughly, of course).

Patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

It can take 7 to 10 days to fully recover from a tooth extraction. Make sure the blood clot stays in place in the empty tooth socket, or the healing process could be delayed. You’ll need to rest for at least 24 hours after the surgery; don’t use a straw, take painkillers as prescribed, and use an ice bag for 10 minutes at a time to reduce any swelling. You can rinse with a saltwater solution after the first 24 hours to reduce the chance of infection. Brush and floss as you normally would but avoid the extraction site. A diet of soft foods – soup, applesauce, and so on – will be required for the first few days as well.

Patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

Tooth Extractions FAQs

A tooth extraction is always the last resort for a dentist in Canton, so when one is necessary, it’s important for you to understand exactly what’s going to happen and why. Feel free to ask the experts at Dentistry at Hickory Flat about any concerns you have. Here are the answers to just some of the inquiries that our patients have brought to us over the years.

Is a Tooth Extraction Really Necessary?

If you think tooth extraction sounds too scary, imagine the alternative – dental infections spread and spread without treatment, eventually resulting in damaging circumstances for your overall smile and health. Sedation dentistry is available to help calm frazzled nerves and create a relaxing experience for the process. We will be happy to start working with you right away on choosing a quality tooth replacement option (such as dental implants) and minimizing any time you spend without a full set of capable, confident teeth.

Do I Have to See an Oral Surgeon for Tooth Extraction?

While you may think that a tooth extraction might require the expertise of an oral surgeon – and indeed, their knowledge and experience are valuable assets for some procedures – many extractions can be performed by your dentist in Canton. Many extractions don’t even involve surgery; simple extractions can be done with forceps and won’t require any incisions or special techniques. We’ll examine the tooth in question thoroughly before making a recommendation; rest assured that we’ll always make sure that you’re receiving the best quality care available.

Can I Receive Sedation Dentistry During the Extraction Process?

Absolutely! It’s important for the patient to stay calm during a dental procedure, which is why we offer sedation dentistry during extractions. We can provide oral conscious sedation, which involves a special medication that’s taken before your appointment at a set time. It’ll keep you relaxed, but you’ll also be able to follow simple instructions and answer questions as needed. You most likely won’t be able to drive yourself home afterwards, so plan for somebody else to pick you up once the procedure is complete.

What are My Options for Replacing a Tooth?

A single tooth can be replaced by a dental bridge, partial dentures, or a dental implant. In many cases, implants are recommended because they prevent bone loss in the jaw, but the best option for restoration will vary from patient to patient.

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