Gum disease (also commonly referred to as periodontal disease) is actually one of the most common health conditions in the world, not to mention the leading cause of permanent tooth loss here in the United States. Early symptoms (such as oral bleeding and overly red and swollen gum tissue) may seem relatively harmless, but they’re able to develop quickly if they’re untreated and cause serious damage. That’s why our team here at Dentistry at Hickory Flat takes this threat so seriously! Periodontal screenings are an essential part of every regular checkup, and periodontal therapy is available for patients who are suffering from an infection. If you suspect that you may be suffering from gum disease, don’t hesitate to contact our Canton location for further help.
Scaling and root planing is an in-depth cleaning that is typically used to treat mild to moderate cases of gum disease. Scaling involves our team targeting and removing accumulations of bacteria-filled plaque and tartar from underneath the gum disease with special tools. Then, for the root planing portion, we will gently smooth the rough surfaces that exist along the tooth roots, which are prime areas for infectious bacteria to gather over time. Our goal is to minimize your chances of experiencing gum disease again in the future.
Laser dentistry is an amazing advancement in periodontal care that allows us to carry out precise treatment in a faster, more comfortable fashion. Our LANAP® laser utilizes a powerful, concentrated beam of light that can instantly eliminate harmful bacteria from the gum tissue without negatively affecting the healthy surrounding tissue. The sterilizing quality of the laser also minimizes any oral bleeding and allows patients to recover on a faster timeframe as well.